Sahyadri-conclave Final day

During the first plenary session on Day Five of Sahyadri Conclave Prof. Serge Haroche, Noble Laureate in Physics delivered a talk on “Manipulating single photon in a box-with a discussion on the future of quantum technology”. He spoke about Fundamental particles such as photons that are difficult to isolate from their environment without destroying. He mentioned about quantum computers. He said that Computers power and speed has exponentially increased since the 1950’s because the size of the bits has continuously decreased due to technological improvements. He mentioned that the way to keep increasing the power is to exploit quantum effects. He discussed circular Rydberg atom to detect photons without destroying them. The second plenary session was by Dr S N Omkar , Principal Scientist, Department of Aerospace Engineering, IISC, Bengaluru who delivered a talk on “Yoga for Holistic Health”. He started his session with the essence of Bhagavad Gita in today’s l...